The one who has made all things
God made everything and everyone. He deserves all the glory.
Without Him we are nothing but dust and ashes.
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Da Best Small Town in the World
God made everything and everyone. He deserves all the glory.
Without Him we are nothing but dust and ashes.
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This line says that you are God the source of all life.
God is the source of all life. He created mankind. He makes the grass grow and the world turn.
It is because of Him and Him alone that we live.
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This line states that God is God.
God is the Living Water that is mentioned in John 4:
Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water.”
Water is very significant in Hawaii and everywhere in the world, for that matter. It is the source of life. We are 95% water and God is the water of life.
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The ‘Io is the Hawaiian word for the Hawaiian Hawk.
But in this song, ‘IO represents the one true God. The God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
This line simply acknowledges that God is God.
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Which Mechanic, Day Care, Termite Control, Solar Installer, Doctor and Dentist has the best prices and quality of service in Hilo?
What if you could easily compare the prices and ratings of these businesses and more with a single click of your mouse?
In the past the only way to find out if you were getting a good deal or getting ripped off was to pick up your phone can call a bunch of these businesses to find out how much they charged.
We are building a website that will list the prices and ratings of these types of Hilo businesses for you.
But calling all of these businesses to get their prices takes time, so we won’t have the prices of every single business from day 1.
So which types of businesses would you like to see prices on first?
Mechanics, Doctors, Termite Control, Hair Salons or something else?
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